Th' Story o' Allvilde

As told by Stacy at Deadmen Tales.

A long time ago that at Torshall in Blekinge thar was a nobel scallywag named Sven. Sven had become rich in a Vikin' wit' th' Danish cap'n, 'n now he had many farms 'n a lot o' scallywags t' rule o'er. Besides, he had a daughter named Allvilde. Although her beauty was great, she had other interests t' pursue.

Now th' cap'n had a son, Björn, who was unmarried 'n as Sven would leave behind a solid inheritance, they agreed that th' prince would marry Allvilde. Happy in his mind o' th' successful agreement, Sven came home 'n told his daughter th' happy news.

Imagine his surprise when, instead o' hugs 'n words o' praise, his daughter threw ale stands aft 'im 'n scolded 'im fer sellin' his daughter, like a simple bond.
"I'd rather go t' sea than get married," she shouted.

Immediately she started crimpin' shield maidens nearby 'n by th' end o' th' week she was missin' from th' farm.

'twas rumored that she at Kåseberga on th' coast boarded a cog 'n sailed out onto th' Baltic Sea, then no more was heard.

Around th' same time thar began t' be natter o' a new chieftain among shield maidens who ravaged th' sea 'n many were th' ships that were hijacked. Now this was nah great news when many were wha' went t' th' Vikin' when th' trade went bad, or t' avoid workin' in agriculture, or jus' t' gain glory.

As th' weeks passed, th' fear spread fer th' wenches's band, which had increased in number 'n partly gone from jus' attackin' merchant ships t' attackin' villages along th' coast, in search o' gold 'n grub.

Aft a year th' problem wit' th' Amazons had become so great fer th' cap'n that he equipped 10 ships t' hunt them. Set t' lead th' warriors became Björn, th' cap'n's son.
Th' prince set sail 'n th' wind was good so even th' slowest o' th' ships kept good speed. On th' fourth day, ruins from ravaged villages began was seen along th' coast, 'n on th' sixth day ole smoke appeared from individual buildin's, so th' prince went ashore.

Among th' smokin' ruins, they found an ole scallywag who told that th' Amazon leaders had come 'n demanded ransom three days earlier. Th' Village Council agreed t' say no 'n all th' scallywags armed themselves t' fend off th' threat. Village elders announced th' answer. Th' battle was short 'n bloody 'n many were th' scallywags who were skewered in aft as they loot t' th' harmher 'n sought refuge in th' forest.

Th' houses were emptied o' valuables 'n grub afore they were set on fire. Everythin' was loaded onto th' ships, they had four 'n two cargo ships, afore settin' sail on a course t' th' north.
Göran called his captains t' ship councils. They found that th' chagrin t' be left at galleon when others went west were replaced by hope t' win honor 'n glory. Wit' full sails, they would continue th' hunt.

Aft a fortnight at sea, wit' daily beach visits t' natter t' th' locals 'n check that they were on track, they reached at dusk th' bay off Slite. In th' bay, six ships were moored 'n campfires burned where grub was cooked.

Th' summer night was light, but despite th' absence o' darkness, nervousness 'n expectations spread among th' scallywags on th' ships. Few were th' ones who got an undisturbed sleep. When th' sun came up, seven o' th' ships sailed t' shore 'n th' crews disembarked. Three ships were left t' guard th' Amazons nah t' escape.

On either side o' a meadow, th' parties Björn 'n his scallywags gathered t' th' west 'n th' Shield maidens t' th' east. Th' cap'n's scallywags in several 'n they approached th' Amazons slowly wit' th' sun in thar eyes. Arrows were shot, axes were skewered 'n cutlasses gleaded. Th' battle was fierce 'n neither side wanted t' give way.

In th' end, th' greater number o' th' cap'n's side gave Bjorn's side th' upper hand 'n they won th' battle.

Th' victors cleared th' battlefield o' fallen warriors from both sides t' make a bonfire. Th' injured were rounded up wit' th' survivors on each side. Th' scallywags were guarded waitin' fer them t' be beheaded.

Björn said t' his scallywags: Show me th' leader o' this gang who fought so valiantly.

They show 'im t' a body that lay smashed t' th' ground, still dressed in full armor, but without his weapons.

They be t' be executed, but I wants t' honor th' leader by lookin' her in th' eye afore we do our work says Björn as he kneels at her 'n takes off her helmet.
Stunned by her beauty, he be struck by love.

Tell who ye be says Björn

Allvilde, daughter o' Sven in Torshall, she answers

Me betrothed?

T' make a long tale short, he wins her heart, they get married 'n live happily ever aft, her companions are also pardoned but thar tale we'll get back t' another day.
