Babble Merchants & Clabberfarts

Some gossip from the region.

Ho! Didst thee notice, a h'rde of settl'rs and m'rchants did come to Nassau land this week to start anew.  We wish those folk felicitations and impl're the chicken thieves to beest on their most civil behavi'r.  We behold f'rward to a most wondrous market in the coming weeks. Shaketh the dust from thy shoes, strang'r.  Welcometh to thy new home.

Speaking of the Flibbertigibbet, the Market continues at the Noon Hour on Sundays and farm'rs with produce art dearly needed. The simple harvests of corn and potato art greatly desired and one needeth not a king's ransom to claim a tent and off'r a basket.

Seen in the realm but looking thin, and as at each moment with the most p'rfect rings of smoke man did admire.  Wast an early All Hallows apparition? Is that gent returneth 'r passing through?

Bid us the gossip thee hath heard, gentle reader!
