The Quest Beckons the Hero

I hath done swam the Seas of the Caribbean.  And at which hour I didst, I hath carried a wand and a staff, hard wonneth from Quests, to protecteth, guardeth, and defend 'gainst all enemies.

Rumours of Amethyst and Aquamarine

But anon, thanks to the love of a most wondrous Sir and a magical spell, the legs I wast granted for a short while art permanent.  Mine own wand and staff lie carefully guarded, yet idle, for I has't different weapons anon.
But the quests! Aye the quests to be wonneth through hard work, tenacity, and guile became lost in time. Only myths yond the younglings did hear about, but nay had the opportunity to meet these fierce challenges.  Bits and pieces went missing, and so, the end goals became lost. Nay young ones had the wands and staffs they did need to protect themselves. Neither couldst those walking the lands win any challenges to be found across the region's isles.

Time marches on, the landscape changes, and of late, rumours abound! There is new talk of items mysteriously appearing, of messages from skeletons that guard and give bounty, of quests that once overcome give treasures rarely seen... coequal in the olde days of myth and legend.

Nay!  Those treasures cometh not easily, gentle reader.  In fact, they art naughty wicked hard.  So nay drinking rum 'r sake, nor sousing with whisky nor wine if it be true thee want to winneth yourself a prize.  Keepeth thy head clear and thy strength high to search both island and sea for hidden clues.

Good luck to thee!

And, if it be true, thee findeth the treasures, if thee overcome the challenges, keepeth the hints close. Else Davy Jones hisself might come looking for to drag thee down to drink with the gent forever in his watery grave. Fitting punishment for bringing crowds to disturb his wicked afterlife!

Submitted this day by mine own hand
with humble honesty, your

Madam S. M. A.


