
Showing posts with the label tatler

The Nassau Tatler Vol. 1, No. 6

 24 November 1720       Welcome Dear Readers to our Sixth Edition and the delights within, including these morsals: * From the Realm ~ CANNONS AND CANDY CANES? Supernaculum!  *  Scandalous Gossip ~ BUT FOR THEIR FROCKS, GENTS! *  JONKONNU! Hath Tribal Wars Killed this West Indies Christmas Tradition? * A few NOTICES OF OPPORTUNITY from our West Indies Businesses    

The Nassau Tatler, Vol. 1, No. 5

9 November 1720 Babble Merchants Our gossip column of rumours and half-truths, some full truths. *** The Quest Beckons the Hero A submission from a new Esteemed Author, Madam S. M. A.   *** Yaruba's Maria A conversation with a young native lass making her home here.

The Nassau Tatler Vol. 1 No. 4

  25 October 1720 ------------------------------------------ Babble Merchants and Clabberfarts  * Whither the Tribal Wars, part the second * Sulpher and Bones on the Seas *

The Nassau Tatler Vol 1, No 3

  17 October 1720 ------------------------------------------ Babble Merchants and Clabberfarts  * My Kingdom for a Horse! * The Uneasy Dead of Barbados * Curiosity About the Red House *

The Nassau Tatler, Vol. 1, No. 2.

  10 October 1720 Whither the Civil War amongst the Region's Natives Check their ankles Man Cannot Live by Drink Alone A Most Fright-Inducing Parade of Ships

The Nassau Tatler, Vol. 1, No. 1.

3 October 1720 ...... Welcome Dear Readers to our first Published Edition of The Nassau Tatler recounting the comings and goings of the famous and infamous in the Pirates Destiny regions. You can pick up the latest edition at Pabo and Fluer's Tavern on Nassau Docks. We hope to offer our Discerning Readers wholesome Entertainments and mostly True retelling of the wonder to be found on these Islands. Our Collection of Esteemed Authors gather stories and I publish them on the finest Printing Press in the region, located at the Tatler House on Nassau Hill. There you may leave requests for features, introductions to you or your enthusiasms, or request one of our Esteemed Authors to document your opening or event.  With kindest regards, Capt. Isaac Bickerstaff, ret.       TOWNE CRIER . Important information from the governing councils and details on upcoming events.   BABBLE-MERCHANTS and CLABBERFARTS . A few blind items of gossip overheard but not yet investigated. ...