Babble-Merchants and Clabberfarts
Recently overheard , there was a major trade of beeswax in the region. A trader infamous for blackmarket sales and finding the impossible, for a price, did locate several stores of the precious wax and is thought to have sold them to a successful landowner and possible cheese monger. Speaking of bees , the beekeepers of the region both maintain their hives are healthy and producing at a good rate. There should be no shortages of honey in the islands. They remind you to contact them for sales, and if you are squeamish about being around the bees, they may deliver for a slight additional charge. Beekeepers are Jon of Aruba and Chief Terrrence Kaiabi on Barbados. Nassau bakery also sells a limited quantity of wax, rennet, and honey. Have you tried the cheese? A few residents of the stingy sort did try to use milk so old the curds had hardened to stone and the makers could not process them. The Dairy reminds you to use fresh milk. It is healthier and will make the best buckets of curds. S...