
But for their Frocks, Gents!

Oh dearest reader, prithee set down and hast thy smelling salts close at hand. As we near the second anniversary of the sinking of old Tetch up Carolina way, it is a reminder that yond is not all as it appears. On valorous authority we hath learned from Master Kevin Duffus, who didst overhear in a coffee house this bite of battle observation. The gent was eager to report the conversation as heard. The fabled sloop Adventure Twas the morn of December 3, 1718, and already fast in to the season of early winter storms off the Carolina coast. Indeed ice wast seen already chunking. The shore was full of half consumed plunder, sugar and cocoa and rum and old Teach's crew was moving slow. Wherefore were those gents so late in Ocracoke when most their fellow plunderers be back in the warm seas of the West Indies? And the most impossible question, how didst on this Saturday morning battle, the fusty pirate who kneweth these waters like the back of his hand, be pinned in the Adventure by the

Candy Cane Cannons? Supernaculum!

Our dear Tavern Keeps Master Pabo and the lovely Madam Fluer are again working hard to planeth the festivities for the region this December. A suggestion wast entertained, to have a great Christmas Sea HurlyBurly, a typical FFA battle, followed by Party with Afters. West Indies special, the dark rum-soaked, spiced, fruit filled cake.   Now, here dear reader is where thy valorous good will and cunning minds art requested! At which hour of which day to arrange this wet and fierce battle in the warm seas of our West Indies? Prithee if thou hast some attention and opinion, contact the Chuns with your preference. The afters might be in the tavern or up north in the winter forest, all up to thy preferences, so harken to these thoughts! There be some fusty pirate rules to follow here regarding the standard approved ships, but a most novel proposal hath been brought forward. The new fashion from the fusty country, pulled pepp'rmint "candy canes" Aye, fer battle ships may be festo

The Nassau Tatler, Vol. 1, No. 5

9 November 1720 Babble Merchants Our gossip column of rumours and half-truths, some full truths. *** The Quest Beckons the Hero A submission from a new Esteemed Author, Madam S. M. A.   *** Yaruba's Maria A conversation with a young native lass making her home here.

Yaruba's Maria

  When sailing through Martinique, thee might happen upon a tribal village where animals and humans liveth in harmony.   We spake with a young Tribal Lass named Maria who told to us the story of the island Yaruba. "Life here is peaceful and quiet," the Lady did explain. The island here wast named after her homeland and people in West Africa, Yoruba. The trip here was long, many perished. Their survival wast linked to help from the land and the animals. The Yaruba art known for hospitality. Most days they brew coffee to offer guests who land on their shores. "I like to welcome each soul and offer coffee," Maria said. The young lass does become more Caribbean each day and tests her skill in the Castle weapons battles on Mondays down South in Montserrat. Sundays are reserved for church on Nassau and instruction from the Vicar. The olde Yoruba tribe were known for dancing and Maria hast not forgotten that part of her history. When asked if it be true sore with so fe

Babble Merchants

Babble from our local gossips be filled with the comings and goings of a most myst'rious Gent.  That Gent hast been seen across the region and with hard work and a bit of charm learned in the Old Country hast restored much of what was damaged in the winds and waters of the storms this past year. Now we cannot assure verity but our wench artist does swear she saw the visage of a quite quaint Mistress from inside this fusty skelly. Our wench may has't sketched with too much vigor, but p'rhaps it is the apparition of a soul 'r some devious charm learnt from the Siren Mer.  Pyrates and pyros shall rejoice the Gunpowder quest is now restored. And if it be true thee have not succeeded in making the powder, aye, best to learn of the harrowing steps required. Above is sketched the gunpowder grinder. May thee has't valorous fortune to maketh most wondrous kaboom.  * * * News is in the air of the state of the islands of the region being clos'r to Heaven. Now braggarts dot

The Quest Beckons the Hero

I hath done swam the Seas of the Caribbean.  And at which hour I didst, I hath carried a wand and a staff, hard wonneth from Quests, to protecteth, guardeth, and defend 'gainst all enemies. Rumours of Amethyst and Aquamarine But anon, thanks to the love of a most wondrous Sir and a magical spell, the legs I wast granted for a short while art permanent.  Mine own wand and staff lie carefully guarded, yet idle, for I has't different weapons anon.   But the quests! Aye the quests to be wonneth through hard work, tenacity, and guile became lost in time. Only myths yond the younglings did hear about, but nay had the opportunity to meet these fierce challenges.  Bits and pieces went missing, and so, the end goals became lost. Nay young ones had the wands and staffs they did need to protect themselves. Neither couldst those walking the lands win any challenges to be found across the region's isles. Time marches on, the landscape changes, and of late, rumours abound! There is ne

The Nassau Tatler Vol. 1 No. 4

  25 October 1720 ------------------------------------------ Babble Merchants and Clabberfarts  * Whither the Tribal Wars, part the second * Sulpher and Bones on the Seas *

Sulpher and Bones on the Seas

 By dark of night, didst cometh to pass a spectacle from the depths of Davy Jone's wat'ry grave the All Hallows Procession of Ghastly and Ghostly ships.    Onlook'rs w're gobsmack'd and didst select King Jon of Aruba's ship, nay, Island of Doom and Hellfire as the star of the nonce.  A well des'rv'd first prize trove of loot and glory at finally having did achieve the ultimate rank.   A close second wast the ship head'd by Captain Tracy and Mercy with a crew yond hath appeared ravenous.  Th're wast some fear those gents might crasheth the party and consume all the marchpanes. Our own auth'r Master Kinch Villard didst narrowly dismount a third lodging award and we doth desire that gent is not so enchant'd by the coin he hath taken, that he ignores this coming week's assignment. Fourth wast Madam Martina Shan, with anoth'r impressive ship.  In a stroketh of valorous f'rtune, Joyce from Aruba kingdom off'r'd a purse of 10

Whither the Tribal War, Part II

Here I returneth aft'r meeting the two Chiefs of our neighb'ring tribes.  As expected the two recollections of the events, though agreeing on few things, couldst not be m're diff'rent.   SKETCH: THE BEAUTY AND DANGER OF THE BOUNTY REGION Chief Allie of the Poukai, tells a straight forward st'ry of Robbery and Desecration. Two black pearls were off'r'd by one of the Poukai to their Goddess Akna. The pearls did disappear and the Goddess reveal'd the name of the Coystrill as one of the Kaiabi.   Chief Terrrence of the Kaiabi admits one of their memb'rs did take something from the Poukai village on Bounty, but here is where his story doth take a diff'rent direction. SKETCH: THE KAIABI CALLING ON THE WISDOM OF THEIR ANCESTORS The loot that gent calleth "gifts" to his recollection wast w'rthless, "apples, twigs, and oth'r smelly things," and was left there to lure the Kaiabi's men. "Delusional" wast Chief Allie

Babble Merchants & Clabberfarts

Some gossip from the region. Ho! Didst thee notice, a h'rde of settl'rs and m'rchants did come to Nassau land this week to start anew.  We wish those folk felicitations and impl're the chicken thieves to beest on their most civil behavi'r.  We behold f'rward to a most wondrous market in the coming weeks. Shaketh the dust from thy shoes, strang'r.  Welcometh to thy new home. Speaking of the Flibbertigibbet, the Market continues at the Noon Hour on Sundays and farm'rs with produce art dearly needed. The simple harvests of corn and potato art greatly desired and one needeth not a king's ransom to claim a tent and off'r a basket. Seen in the realm but looking thin, and as at each moment with the most p'rfect rings of smoke man did admire.  Wast an early All Hallows apparition? Is that gent returneth 'r passing through? Bid us the gossip thee hath heard, gentle reader!